2022 GFD 🏆 Awards

Silver Winner | Xiamen Humanity Maternity Hospital | Lemanarc SA

Xiamen Humanity Maternity Hospital brings a precise design which explores a better professional services from both gynaecologists and obstetrics. This improvement of efficiency is explored through this unique form which aims to make childbirth and its related medical treatments as positively memorable as possible. 

Global Future Design Awards 2023: Entries Open! 

Silver 🏆 Winner
Global Future Design Awards 2022

Xiamen Humanity Maternity Hospital
Institutional Architecture (Built)

Lemanarc SA

Vincent Zhang

Design Team
Vincent Zhang, Daniel Pauli, Cao Feng, Xia Jinling, Dong Weibin, Cristiano Sardinha & Casiana Kennedey



©Xia Qiang, Huang Xiaoting, Li Zhihui & Vincent Zhang.

The soft curved building provides an independent maternity garden, gynaecology garden, inpatient garden and even a sunken garden for the outdoors of the hospital. From the entrance, the obstetrics and gynaecologists have their own circulation paths and do not interfere with each other. The well-arranged curves of the building brings a closer feeling of the sky garden which is located in the inner space of each floor.  
Its interior is rational and is designed with clear circulation and functional modules. The internal orthogonal modular design allows various medical functions to be easily replaced and developed, making it a flexible space that can adapt to future treatments.    
Professional surgery, ICU, and NICU is provided to guarantee the safety of childbirth. At the same time, is important to take into account the other set of functions such as pre-delivery, delivery room, LDR delivery room, LDR-P delivery room, post-natal ward, VIP ward, etc. By this, Xiamen Humanity Maternity Hospital provides the full chain of services from pre-delivery all the way to post-natal rehabilitation and childcare growth. All these services have thoroughly taken into consideration the professionals and users well-being. Giving them as well as their companions privacy is essential for interiorizing each step during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, moments such as breastfeeding and gynaecological examinations, mothers appreciate a more intimate space in where they can focus on themselves and not be overwhelmed by other activities taking place within the hospital. 

Advanced technologies have been integrated to maximise the building’s environmental factors; sunshine considerations, ventilation strategies, shading mechanisms and rainwater recovery are some of the processes that help improve its energy saving. From the warmth of the interior to the lightness of the facade mesh; from the endless dandelion painting to the central lounge filled with sunshine and moonlight, the Xiamen Humanity Maternity Hospital is a place to celebrate fertility.