Global Future Design Awards 2020 – Results Announced
APR Hosted Awards 2020 Highlights of the competition this year outstanding designs. We are delighted to congratulate ‘APR Global Future Design Awards 2020. Hosted by APR with the idea of acknowledging the works of professionals and students across the globe in the architecture and design field.
Another great opportunity. APR’s next award Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2020. is open for Registration. Don’t miss the chance, it’s a huge platform for architects.
APR GFD Awards 2020 Winners: Foster + Partners, Klai Juba Wald Architecture + Interiors, Ventura + Partners, SB Architects, FGMF Architects, MINARC, GWP Architects, Mercurio Design Lab, Concept i, Studio Joseph, S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes, spAce, Ambigram Architects, DADA Partners / GPL Design Studio, SHH | Architecture & Interior Design, Thinc Design, Rumo Interior Design Co., Ltd., Shanghai PTArchitects, Unique Vision Studio, CROX, LB Design, Zhongshe Engineering Consulting (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Flansburgh Architects, ABAX Arquitectos, F+S Designs, Yangzhou Yuanhang Real Estate Co., Ltd., Henan Lvjia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Serendipper Design, Fogarty Finger Architecture, HADVD Arquitectos, HWCD, ANTAO, Studio Roosegaarde, Wall Corporation,Yaonian Design Studio, Shanghai ORIA Planning & Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Amaart, etc.
Winner: Samson Pavilion, CWRU and Cleveland Clinic by Foster + Partners
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Foster + Partners
Architect/Designer | Foster + Partners
Category | Educational Built
Team | David Summerfield, Piers Heath, Roger Ridsdill Smith, James Edwards, Niall Dempsey
Country | United Kingdom
Photographer/Copyright | ©Nigel Young
Educational Built Category – Second Award: UArchitects click here | Third Award: luis vidal + architects click here.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Klai Juba Wald Architecture + Interiors
Architect/Designer | John Klai
Category | Hospitality Built
Team | John Klai, Dan Juba, John Wald, Brian Fink
Country | United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Miguel Villegas for Klai Juba Wald Architecture + Interiors
Hospitality Built Category- Second Award: Foster + Partners click here | Third Award: SB Architects click here.
Winner: Apple Carnegie Library – Washington DC by Foster + Partners
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Foster + Partners
Architect/Designer | Foster + Partners
Category | Interior Design Built
Team | Stefan Behling, Vlad Berberianu, Reinald Fratti, Gabriel Garcia, Ulrich Hamann, Ivy Humem David Summerfield
Country | United Kingdom
Photographer/Copyright | ©Nigel Young
Interior Design Built Category- Second Award: EDG click here | Third Award: Refik Anadol Studio click here.
Winner: Miami Design District by SB Architects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | SB Architects
Architect/Designer | SB Architects
Category | Mixed Use Built
Team | SB Architects
Country |United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Ciro Coelho, Barry Grossman
Mixed Use Built Category- Second Award: S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes click here
Winner: FengSheng 101 Tower by GWP Architects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | GWP Architects
Architect/Designer | Guowei Zhang
Category | Mixed Use Concept
Team | Chief Architect: Guowei Zhang; Design Team: Guowei Zhang, Jackle Luo, Ben Huang, Leo Liao, Vivian Cai, Lei Chang, Ronghua Li, Huven Hua, Jian He, Vensen Zhu, Zerun Mo, Wei Gu, Tao Wei, Shanshan Xu,Yanlin Zhang, Zhenyong Pang, Zongwei Hu, Min Xiang, Peigen Huang, Hanming Tong, Yonghua Xu, Jinglong Yan, Lei Huang, Yuan Liao, Jinbao Zhuo, Xi Li, Wenhui Liang, Dong Xie, Weihua Wu, Yunlian Zhong, Zilan Lin
Country |China
Photographer/Copyright | ©GWP Architects
Mixed Use Concept Category- Second Award: AP Szczepaniak click here | Third Award: Balcázar Arquitectos click here.
Winner: Leva Mattiazzi chair by Foster + Partners
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Foster + Partners
Architect/Designer | Foster + Partners
Category | Product Design Built
Team | Pietro Gottardi, Mike Holland, David Nelson, James White
Country |United Kingdom
Photographer/Copyright | ©Aaron Hargreaves
Product Design Built Category- Second Award: TG Design Studio click here | Third Award: Studio pba – Arch. Tiberio Cerato click here.
Winner: Manhattan Pet Adoption Center by Studio Joseph
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Studio Joseph
Architect/Designer | Wendy Evans Joseph
Category | Public Building—Unbuilt
Team | Wendy Evans Joseph, Rafael Herrin-Ferri
Country |United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Studio Joseph
Winner: Portola Valley Residence by SB Architects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | SB Architects
Architect/Designer | SB Architects
Category | Residential Built
Team | SB Architects
Country |United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Aaron Leitz
Residential Built Category- Second Award: System Architects click here | Third Award: Raulino Silva Architect click here.
Winner: Bayham Place by Ambigram Architects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Ambigram Architects
Architect/Designer | Andries Kruger
Category | Residential Interior Built
Team | Andries Kruger, Justo Garcia, Jonathan Pilbeam
Country |United Kingdom
Photographer/Copyright | ©Ambigram Architects
Residential Interior Built Category- Second Award: LSDCASA click here | Third Award: GFD Interior Design click here.
Winner: Marina di Cerveteri Railway station Restyling Project by Amaart
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Amaart
Architect/Designer | Alessia Maggio
Category | Transportation Built
Team | Alessia Maggio team leader, design team, silvia Marmiroli, Dario Taffi, Alessio Ricci, Luca Bertolini
Country |Italy
Photographer/Copyright | ©Amaart
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Concept i
Architect/Designer | Concept i
Category | Urban Planing
Team | Geoffrey Morrison, Richard Wood, Duke Thavilap, Tee Taniratpaisal, Francesc Domingo, Nirutt Montalop, Sasipa Vichitkraivin
Country |Thailand
Photographer/Copyright | ©Concept i
Urban Planing Category- Second Award: DADA Partners / Studio POD/ GPL Design Studio click here
Winner: Andresas by Ventura + Partners
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Ventura + Partners
Architect/Designer | Manuel Ventura
Category | Urban Design Built
Team | Manuel Ventura
Country |Portugal
Photographer/Copyright | ©Nelson Garrido and António Teixeira
Urban Design Built Category- Second Award: Architectural Alliance Ltd DBA archall click here
Winner: Godrej Riverhill by DADA Partners / Studio POD / GPL Design Studio
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | DADA Partners / Studio POD / GPL Design Studio
Architect/Designer | Mukul Arora
Category | Urban Design Concept
Team | Mukul Arora, Anubhav Gupta, Jitesh Donga, Mansi Sahu, Sarfaraz Momin Diksha Singh, Vanshika Bharaj
Country |India
Photographer/Copyright | ©Studio POD
Urban Design Concept Category- Second Award: Wall Corporation click here | Third Award: Allison Ta click here.
Winner: Kizilirmak Bridge by Wall Corporation
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Wall Corporation
Architect/Designer | Selim Senin
Category | Transportational Concept
Team | Selim Senin
Country |Turkey
Photographer/Copyright | ©Selim Senin
Winner: Dalseong Citizen’s Gymnasium by Wall Corporation
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Wall Corporation
Architect/Designer | Selim Senin
Category | Sports Design Concept
Team | Selim Senin
Country |Turkey
Photographer/Copyright | ©Selim Senin
Sports Design Concept Category- Second Award: Wall Corporation click here
Winner: Greenland Wuhan • Harper Riverside by Shanghai PTArchitects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Shanghai PTArchitects
Architect/Designer | Shanghai PTArchitects
Category | Residential Concept
Team | Wang Jungang, Lu Bin, Fan Kaijia, Dong Xiaojing, Yue Dandan, Shi Enhui, Shu Yaowu, Luan Guobin, Yan Jun, Sun Sihui, Mai Jingru, Chen Yazhou, Han Yeding, Wang Yincheng, Zhao Zhe, Jin Xiaoting, Zhuo Fu, Li Dengzhou, She Yining
Country |China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Shanghai PTArchitects
Residential Concept Category- Second Award: SUNAC click here | Third Award: Lars Gitz Architects click here.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | HWCD
Architect/Designer | HWCD
Category | Residential Interior Concept
Country |China
Photographer/Copyright | ©HWCD
Residential Interior Concept Category- Second Award: Studio Meraki click here
Winner: Dachang National Palace by Shanghai ORIA Planning & Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Shanghai ORIA Planning & Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Architect/Designer | Xuehui Hu
Category | Public Building Interior Concept
Team | Joe Ho, Jun Zhou, Chunzi Li, Linli Ye
Country |China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Shanghai ORIA Planning & Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Winner: Dongqian Lake Sales Center by Yaonian Design Studio
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Yaonian Design Studio
Architect/Designer | Yaonian Li
Category | Public Building Interior
Team | Yaonian Li, Qi Kan, Gang Chen, Xiaokai Li, Yudi Fei
Country |China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Yaonian Design Studio
Winner: Dubai Iconic Mosque by Wall Corporation
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Wall Corporation
Architect/Designer | Selim Senin
Category | Public Building Concept
Team | Selim Senin
Country |Turkey
Photographer/Copyright | ©Selim Senin
Public Building Concept Category- Second Award: Yamuna River Project Research Studio click here
Winner: Nature Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial by Studio Joseph
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Studio Joseph
Architect/Designer | Wendy Evans Joseph
Category | Pop-Ups & Temporary
Team | Wendy Evans Joseph, José-Luis Vidalón, Monica Coghlan, Shuo Yang
Country |United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Studio Joseph
Pop-Ups & Temporary Category- Second Award: Studio Joseph click here | Third Award: Poyao Shih, Anita Cheng click here.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | spAce
Architect/Designer | Juan Carlos Baumgartner
Category | Office Building Concept
Team | Juan Carlos Baumgartner / Alejandro Danel
Country |Mexico
Photographer/Copyright | ©Courtesy of spAce
Office Building Concept Category- Second Award: spAce click here | Third Award: Nextoffice click here.
Winner: Seacon Head Office by Concept i
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Concept i
Architect/Designer | Concept i
Category | Office Building Built
Team | Tee Taniratpaisal, Richard Wood, Wirush Sirisaksit, Nuntiya Sanguriyan
Country |Thailand
Photographer/Copyright | ©Concept i
Office Building Built Category- Second Award: CUN PANDA click here | Third Award: ALINE Architecture Concepts click here.
Winner: Gates of Light by Studio Roosegaarde
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Studio Roosegaarde
Category | Lightning Design
Team | Dutch artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and engineers
Country |Netherlands
Photographer/Copyright | ©Studio Roosegaarde
Winner: Reserve Neighbourhood by DADA Partners / Landart/ GPL Design Studio
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | DADA Partners / Landart/ GPL Design Studio
Architect/Designer | Mukul Arora
Category | Landscape Design Concept
Team | Mukul Arora, Avadhoot Kumthekar, Anjali Kumthekar, Anubhav Gupta, Dwaipayan Aich, Diksha Singh
Country | India
Photographer/Copyright | ©DADA Partners
Landscape Design Concept Category- Second Award: Pizá Golf click here
Winner: Life events in the Greater Bay Area by ANTAO
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | ANTAO
Architect/Designer | ANTAO
Category | Landscape Design Built
Team | Wei Zhu, Zhou Wang, Ran Zhou, Guanhua Tao, Na Jiang/Kun Wang, Xun Sheng, Yuanyuan Huang, Xin Zhang, Yue Chen, Shanshan Zhu, Feng Lin
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Holi
Landscape Design Built Category- Second Award: Shanghai Wubei Landscape Design Co. Ltd. click here | Third Award: ANTAO click here.
Winner: Kingdom Palace by HWCD
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | HWCD
Architect/Designer | HWCD
Category | Interior Design Concept
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©HWCD
Winner: CIITA by HADVD Arquitectos
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | HADVD Arquitectos
Architect/Designer | Carlos Eduardo Villegas Duarte
Category | Institutional Building Concept
Team | Principals Hugo Alonso Amparan de León / Carlos Eduardo Villegas Duarte Design/technical team: Francisco Diaz, Guillermo Morales, Mariana Aguirre, Karla López, Paulina Huerta, Josimar Bocanegra, Victor Guzman, Ana Karen Vazquez, Leonardo Fernandez, Alma Cabello.
Country | Mexico
Photographer/Copyright | ©HADVD Arqutectos
Institutional Building Concept Category- Second Award: KNS ARCHITECTS click here
Winner: Mairie by S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes
Architect/Designer | Patrick Schweitzer
Category | Institutional Building Built
Team | Architect of record : S&AA / Structure design office : GETTEC / Fluid Design Office : Groupe Fluides
Country | France
Photographer/Copyright | ©Florian Tiedje
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Architect/Designer | Erla Dögg Ingjaldsdottir
Category | Housing Single Family
Team | Tryggvi Thorsteinsson/Erla Dögg Ingjaldsdottir
Country | United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Art Gray
Housing Single Family Category- Second Award: Luciano Gerbilsky Arquitectos click here
Winner: The Jackson by Fogarty Finger Architecture
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Fogarty Finger Architecture
Architect/Designer | Chris Fogarty
Category | Housing Multi- Family
Team | Lead Team Member, Chris Fogarty, AIA | Harshad Pillai, Ashley O’Neill + Design Studio Members
Country | United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Alexander Severin
Housing Multi- Family Category- Second Award: Valerie Schweitzer Architects (VSA) click here
Winner: Glory Eminence by Serendipper Design
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Serendipper Design
Architect/Designer | Yongna Sheng
Category | Housing Interior
Team | Yongna Sheng, Yue Li
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Mendowong
Winner: Greentown • Oriental Villa by Henan Lvjia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Henan Lvjia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Architect/Designer | Henan Lvjia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Category | Housing Concept
Team | Henan Lvjia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Henan Lvjia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Housing Concept Category- Second Award: UArchitects click here | Third Award: FGMF Architects click here.
Winner: Sino-Ocean · Grand Canal Milestone by Yangzhou Yuanhang Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Yangzhou Yuanhang Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Architect/Designer | Jia Pengxiang
Category | Housing More than 5 Floors Concept
Team | Jia Pengxiang, Li Jiafeng, Ma Yu, Gao Bo, Zhai Anxin, Fan Xingyuan
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Yangzhou Yuanhang Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Winner: Cigarra House by FGMF Architects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | FGMF Architects
Architect/Designer | Fernando Forte
Category | Housing Built
Team | Fernando Forte, Lourenço Gimenes, Rodrigo Marcondes Ferraz, Gabriel Mota, Luciana Bacin, Carol Magliari, Daniela Zavagli, Diogo Mondini, Eduardo Vale, Fabiana Kalaigian, Guilherme Prado, João Baptistella, Mariana Leme, Aryane Diaz, Giovanna Custódio, Guilherme Pulvirenti, Henrique Dias, José Carlos Navarro, Raquel Gregorio
Country | Brazil
Photographer/Copyright | ©Pedro Mascaro
Housing Built Category- Second Award: Deepseahouse click here
Winner: Villa Lambda by Mercurio Design Lab S.r.l.
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Mercurio Design Lab S.r.l.
Designer | Massimo Mercurio
Category | House Design Built
Team | Kimberly Liu
Country | Italy
Photographer/Copyright | ©Mercurio Design Lab
House Design Built Category- Second Award: KNS ARCHITECTS click here | Third Award: Studio Jhoiey click here.
Winner: Zuci Artisan Chocolates by F+S Designs
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | F+S Designs
Architect/Designer | Faisal Vohra
Category | Hospitality Interior Built
Team | Shamila Meeran, Mohammad Jaleel, Keerthana Meruva, Anjali Anil
Country | India
Photographer/Copyright | ©F+S Designs
Winner: Zadún, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve by ABAX Arquitectos
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | ABAX Arquitectos
Architect/Designer | ABAX Arquitectos
Category | Hospitality Concept
Team | Fernando De Haro, Jesus Fernandez, Pablo Blasco
Country | Mexico
Photographer/Copyright | ©Francisco Estrada & Marriot International
Hospitality Concept Category- Second Award: QING MO click here | Third Award: YANG & ASSOCIATES GROUP click here.
Winner: American International School of Zagreb by Flansburgh Architects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Flansburgh Architects
Architect/Designer | David Croteau
Category | Educational Built – School
Team | David Croteau
Country | United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Robert Benson and Miljenko Bernfest
Educational Built – School Category- Second Award: ISTUDIO Architects click here | Third Award: ANTAO click here.
Winner: Snug Harbor Cultural Center Music Hall Addition by Studio Joseph
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Studio Joseph
Architect/Designer | Wendy Evans Joseph
Category | Cultural—Unbuilt
Team | Wendy Evans Joseph, Alexios Bacolas
Country | United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Studio Joseph
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Zhongshe Engineering Consulting (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.
Architect/Designer | Chen Xiao
Category | Cultural Concept
Team | Chen Xiao, Ren Xiaoya, Wu Liang, Du Qifeng, Wang Minggang, Dan Wei, Zhu Na, Yu Kan, Liu Peiling, Hu Xing, Li Xuehuan, Tang Xiaoqiang, Zhou Xin, Wang Xudong
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Wu Liang
Cultural Concept Category- Second Award: ISTUDIO Architects click here | Third Award: Poyao Shih click here.
Winner: Empire State Building Observatory by Thinc Design
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Thinc Design
Architect/Designer | Tom Hennes
Category | Cultural Built
Team | Exhibition Planning and Design: Thinc Design; Design Consultant: Beneville Studios, Michael Beneville; Design Consutant: IDEO, Dominic Tan; Owner’s Representative: JLL, Bob Krizman; Media Designer: Squint/Opera, Callum Cooper; Architect: Corgan, Robert Duran; Lighting Consultant: The Lighting Practice, Al Borden
Country | United States
Photographer/Copyright | ©Tom Hennes, Evan Joseph
Cultural Built Category- Second Award: S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes click here | Third Award: Eduardo Miguel González Fraile click here.
Winner: Cohesion Guangzhou by SHH | Architecture & Interior Design
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | SHH | Architecture & Interior Design
Architect/Designer | SHH | Architecture & Interior Design
Category | Corporate Interior Built
Team | SHH | Architecture & Interior Design
Country | United Kingdom
Photographer/Copyright | ©SHH | Architecture & Interior Design
Cultural Built Category- Second Award: KNS ARCHITECTS click here | Third Award: SHH | Architecture & Interior Design click here.
Winner: Pingxiang Rainbow Shopping Center by LB Design
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | LB Design
Architect/Designer | Ben Ling
Category | Commercial Interior Concept
Team | Ben Ling,Yu Liu
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©LB Design
Commercial Interior Concept Category- Second Award: HWCD click here
Winner: Zonhow · 5Fook International Sales Center by Rumo Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Winner: Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Rumo Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Architect/Designer | Jason Chen
Category | Commercial Interior Built
Team | Jason Chen, Henry Cui,Ethan Zhu, Caesar Chen
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Threeimages
Commercial Interior Built Category- Second Award: Shanghai PCD Architecture Interior Design CO Ltd click here | Third Award: Concept i click here.
Winner: Mountain Dance Nabel Ceramic Culture Experience Center by CROX
Winner: Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | CROX
Category | Commercial Concept
Team | Lead Architect: C.R. Lin
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©CROX
Commercial Concept Category- Second Award: Shenzhen Qianhai Metallurgical Construction Technology Development Co., Ltd. click here | Third Award: Concept i click here| Third Award: Guangzhou Guigu Science and Technology Park Co., Ltd. click here.
Winner: Guangzhou Vanke Dream Town by Shanghai PTArchitects
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Shanghai PTArchitects
Architect/Designer | Chen Xi
Category | Commercial Built
Team | Chen Xi, Huang Huafeng, Zhang Jun, Wei Yu, Zhang Yuan, Tang Zehui, Wen Yitian
Country | China
Photographer/Copyright | ©Liu Junnan, Fan Wenyao, Ren Yi
Commercial Built Category- Second Award: ALINE Architecture Concepts click here | Third Award: Unique Store Fixtures click here| Third Award: S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes click here.
Winner: ArchiPaper by Unique Vision Studio
Winner- Global Future Design Awards 2020
Firm | Unique Vision Studio
Architect/Designer | Rafal Barnas
Category | Artist | Designers – Animation
Team | Rafal Barnas
Country | Poland
Photographer/Copyright | ©Unique Vision Studio
Global Future Design Awards 2020 – Special Mention
APR GFD Awards 2020 Special Mention: FGMF Architects, Unique Store Fixtures, Ronnette Riley Architect, LB Design, Balcázar Arquitectos, UArchitects, CAA Architects, S&AA Schweitzer et Associes Architectes, L&P Architects, NONE SPACE, Jiuying Design Studio, KS STUDIO LTD, Shanghai PCD Architecture Interior Design CO Ltd, a&f design, Flansburgh Architects, Eduardo Miguel González Fraile, Virserius Studio, ALINE Architecture Concepts, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Lucas Freire Architecture, YANG & ASSOCIATES GROUP, Suzhou Zhaoyue Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., LAZARO ROSA VIOLAN STUDIO, Dowell Group Nanjing Company, KNS ARCHITECTS, HWCD, Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute, LoHA-Laboratory of Hiroshi yamada Architect, TG Design Studio, Archilab Design + Consultancy, F+S Designs, LSDCASA, Deamicis Arcitetti Professionisti associati, Ileana Schinder, pllce, etc.
Thank You to our Award Participants
Global Future Design Awards 2020
Cheers 🍻