APR Commercial

Winner – “Líder Store ” by FGMF Architects

“Líder Store ” by FGMF Architects

Global Future Design Awards 2019
First Award
Category: Commercial
Firm: FGMF Architects
Architect: Lourenço Urbano Gimenes
Team: Fernando Forte, Lourenço Gimenes, Rodrigo Marcondes Ferraz, Gabriel Mota, Luciana Bacin, Adriana Pastore, Desyree Niedo, Diogo Mondini, Priscylla Hayashi, Wanessa Simoe, Frederico Branco, Rafael Colombo, Nara Diniz
Country: Brazil
Website: www.fgmf.com.br

Another great opportunity. APR’s next award Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2019 is open for Registration. Don’t miss the chance, its a huge platform for architects.

Since the brand already possessed more than 20 stores around the country and the aim was to create the flagship store, we knew we needed to start from the basic to initiate the design process. We should study the existent stores that were considered better resolved (form an organizational point of view) and alongside we needed to investigate profoundly the complex site legislation, its context and insolation.

The programme that this traditional furniture store needed predicted wide spaces that would hold different layouts – modified according to the launching of new collections -, area destined to the display of outdoor furniture, functional kitchen for events and administrative rooms.

The brand’s arrival in a traditional avenue that houses the most important brands of the sector was a big concern to the owners. There was the desire to reach a contemporary architecture, attractive, that represented the brand’s values whilst putting it among the most appreciated brands in the country.

Another important matter was to cover the dichotomy between a shelter feeling of coziness with the showcase’s transparency. The architecture should also provoke curiosity, inviting the architects, decorators and final clients to enter the store and get to know the products.

The project’s answer was very singular. We organized the volume in big vans of 15 meters long, through a mixed structure of exposed steel and concrete. A series of “aerial plateaus” were designed, between them the great main floating mezzanine, structured only by 6 metallic tethers and situated on the center of the store.

Most of these plateaus are gardens with native species and begin close to the road’s sidewalk. They are carefully piled up while entering the store, transforming themselves in a kind of ceiling that shelters the showcase just to project themselves to the exterior again – with a balance sheet of more than five meters – shaping a pedestrian marchee, that highlight the entrance. These plateaus form a kind of semi espiral, that guarantee high transparency of the façade whilst functioning as a brise-soleil, protecting the store from the sunset insolation. The suspended plateaus are also present on the backside uncovered area of the store, inviting the visitor to get to know the furniture from the outdoor collection.

The wooden ceilings under the garden-plateaus were executed by the most antique woodworkers from the company’s main factory as a tribute to the brand’s origin, based on wooden furnishing.

The project’s outcome is a great impact on our landscape, avoiding its traditional façades, completely on glass. It’s a project that uses a simple concept and, through repetition, creates a complex volumetry alined with principles of sustainability, solar protection and ensure the visibility and attractiveness desired by the clients.

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