Chiesa Diruta is a proposal for the transformation of the ruined SS Luca e Giuliano Renaissance church with a unique elliptical dome located at Grottole, Italy into a vibrant Cultural Center. It consists of a Concert Hall and a Municipal Library crafted with gentle design gestures that create a unique landmark for the entire region. The core idea behind design is the creation of a “Temple” inside the original stone wall monument that floats 7 m above the ground floor level. This gesture frees the space of the main Temple floor, allowing people to visit the site and enjoy the breathtaking view over the Basento river valley.
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Global Future Design Awards 2023
Chiesa Diruta Concert Hall & Municipal Library
Cultural Architecture (Concept)
Yanniotis & Associates | Architects & Consulting Engineers
Constantinos Yanniotis
Design Team
Konstantinos Xanthopoulos, Architect NTUA
Project Location
Grottole, Italy
©Vassilis Symeonidis, Architect NTUA
Social Media Handles
Facebook: Yanniotis & Associates
Instagram: Yanniotis & Associates
Twitter: Not Available
Website URL
Visitors enter the site through the fallen northwest stone wall corner and cross the outdoor seating area leading to the weather protected foyer which is bounded by perimetric folded glazing doors. This space may be used as a secondary event venue during summertime or as art exhibitions. The two storey Municipal Library is located at the opposite side of the monument accessible from Via della Resistenza.The design consists of two separate functions, the Concert Hall and the Municipal Library, connected via a narrow path on the north side of the church. All circulations within the building are accessible through flush thresholds and ramps. The Gift Shop and the Bar are located to the south side of the transept. Two elevators located on the north, lead to the Concert Hall level, on the opposite side of which are the dressing rooms and an outdoor bridge path leading to the Tower’s Director Office.
The main material used for the new building of the Concert Hall is a 60mm thick Polycarbonate Sheet Wall. When nighttime events take place, the floating volume of the Hall, reflects a gentle and warm light, which illuminates the surroundings, thus turning the Chiesa Diruta into a vibrant space that serves as a landmark for the region.The new development requires the design of spaces that intervene between the basic levels of the stone wall church. In order to differentiate the new building from the old monument, a reversible and flexible structure has been implemented. The primary and secondary supporting system of the polycarbonate sheet panels consist of a metallic grid connected to its aluminum casements. The floors of both the concert hall and library are covered by maple parquets, while the foyer floor by white marble. A membrane layer protects the subfloor of the church.
The integration of the new Concert Hall and Library was derived after an in depth research of the Architecture history of Renaissance Temples. All roof constructions as well as the free standing boxes hosting certain functions (bar, tickets, tourist office, etc.) are covered with patina metal panels. The metallic elliptical beams that provide stiffness to the concert hall structure, along with the wooden interior cover, reflect the stone groin vaults predecessors.