Many catering design companies with cool brand space images to attract users, but often because the overall positioning is not clear, information to consumers is not accurate, failed to achieve continuous capacity, it is because of the dual identity of operators and designers, we know more clearly, all brand core comes from the product.
And founded brand, whether A8 music building shop, Han Jing Financial Center Shop, or Shenzhen Bay farce printing RAIL IN, WE NEW DO cattle shop location is strategically distributed in the city high order customer core location, the original cattle behind the brand extends the family dinner, business banquets, social visitors and other diverse life needs, also let the original cattle urban elite preferred hot pot brand.
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Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2024
Hospitality Interior
Mid Design
Mid Design
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Catherine, Jojo, GuiTian Deng , ChengAn Li
Shenzhen, Shenzhen bay
Joy together in WE NEW DO ” is the c o r e v a l u e t o b u i l d i n g t h e m o s t authentic Chaoshan beef hot pot, selecting the most Chaoshan region characteristics of traditional dishes, elaborating every detail, the traditional craft and trendy eating match, for e a c h p i e c e o f b e e f a f t e r s t r i c t selection and processing, to ensure that its fresh taste and nutritional value.
Centering on the “freshness and quality” of the ingredients, in addition to the distinctive Chaoshan brine black gold pot, matsutake beef balls, sea stone flower, alpine wulong tea,
and other special dishes, WE NEW DO h as ad d ed t h e cat eg o r y o f f r e s h seafood, enriching the taste of meals a n d r e a l i z i n g p r o d u c t differ en t iat io n . S id e d is h es an d dishes maintain the best quality and taste. I t is als o t h e r es p ect an d innovation of the traditional cooking technology that makes WE NEW DO stand out in the numerous Chaoshan beef hot pots.