OVVA conceptualized by MAKER HASBANI and developed by MILK LIFE INVESTMENTS, it’s the vision of n atio nal and internat ion al talent that dreams on a sustain able fut ure that en riches the life of their comm unity. Th us, they devised a project that integrates two residential towers and o n office tower in a large master plan that is surrounded by a m onumental elevated garden that conn ects people with harm onie services and amen it ies. I t emerg es in one of the m ost cosm opolitan areas of Tiju ana: Zona R io; an urban ecosystem that stand out for its dyn am ism. A unique place, where corporate life and entertainment mix org ani cally thanks in the commercial
Global Future Design Awards 2023: Entries Open!
Silver 🏆 Winner
Global Future Design Awards 2022
Mixed-Use Architecture (Under Construction)
Mayer Hasbani
Mayer Hasbani
Design Team
Alfredo Lagunas, Paola Lopez, Marcela Rocha, Juliana Caicedo & Brenda Ceja
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Ieis ure and entertainment offer also present in the area. Th m on umental towers that b eco me an urban land mark, inspired by the nat ural and org an ie c urvat ure that exalt the endemic ecosystem of the northwest, to t urn them into a harmonic seq uence of architect ural mo ments where exterior and interior are nourished by ne utral m aterials and nat ural lig hting. The amenities fill with life and awaken emot ions, its design evokes the senses causing a healthy and pleasant life, becoming the origin of end less stories. The Club House is the heart of the project, with its org an ie path it is the beginning of wonderful experiences and unique amenities that accompany and embrace its comm unity. R esidences designed for contemporary inhab it ants, d ivided into two towers of 23 and 20 levels. Warm and fine finishes that en h ance nat ural m at erials and abundant light ing, will b e the setting for great stories. Works paces with a menit ies and servi ces that provide a p erfect environment to evolve and grow, within one of the m ost dynam ie business areas in the city. OVVA is the ideal place to live and t ranscend. An environment that blurs the sensory li mit between the city and n at ure to provide its people with comfort, harm ony, safety, and well-b eing. I t is here where the m ost exeit ing stories are written, the stories of a contemporary comm unity that evolves with it environment, in a hab it at of life and p ossi b ilit ies.