2021 GFD 🏆 Awards

Second Award | Suzhou Dushu Lake Hospital | LEMANARC SA

Suzhou Dushu Lake Hospital is located in Suzhou’s Industrial Park, covers a total area of 156,000 square meters, with a total planned construction area of 521,000 square meters, and a total capacity of 3,000 beds. It is composed of a general hospital layout of 131,000 square meters building area with a capacity of 800-bed in the first phase and various specialist centers that will be expanded in the future. The master plan makes sure that each phase is surrounded by a contemporary courtyard. Giving each phase of the medical spaces an exclusive and interesting therapeutic green area. The design of medical functions is in tandem with planning, architecture, landscape and interior design. Moreover, establishing the organic whole of a well-designed hospital from an early design stage. 

Global Future Design Awards 2022: Discounted Entries Open Now! Save $50
Super Early Discount – 20th October 2021 to 30th December 2021 – $199 = $149

🏆 Second Award
Global Future Design Awards 2021

Suzhou Dushu Lake Hospital
Public Building Built



Design Team
Chair architect:Vincent Zhengmao Zhang Medical process guidance:Xiaodong Wang Master conceptual planning:Vincent Zhengmao Zhang ,Pansy Wang Medical function planning ,medical process design: Vincent Zhengmao Zhang Daniel Pauli Architectural schematic design: Vincent Zhengmao Zhang , Pansy Wang Interior schematic design: Vincent Zhengmao Zhang,Florian Thomas Facade skin system deepening design: Vincent Zhengmao Zhang ,Pansy Wang Project coordinator :Rita Chen Photographer :Xia Qiang Architectural advance design and construction drawing design :Arts Design Group Co.,Ltd. Technical support: Feng Zhenggong ,Zhang Jin Project leader &responsible person of Architecture :Qiu Lin Architecture:Cao Feng ,Wang Xiaoqiang ,Xu Liang Structure:Tan Lihua , Jiang Miao,Meng Haiyan , Chen Yong Electricity:Wang Zhixiang ,Wang Xiang , Li Wei,Chen Xinxin HVAC:Zhang Yong,Ding Jiong,Zhou Min,Zhang Weikang Water supply and drainge:Li Zheng ,Chen Hanbing, Tan Zheng, Liu Yayuan Construction drawing of interior design :Suzhou Chengzhi Decoration Co., Ltd. Landscape design:Arts Design Group Co.,Ltd. Lighting Design:Arts Design Group Co.,Ltd. Curtain wall construction drawing design:Jiangsu Suxin Decoration (Group) Company Civil engineering general contractor:New Century Construction Group Co., Ltd. Interior decoration construction unit: Suzhou Kelida Building& Decoration Co., Ltd.

Suzhou, China



The circular cascade of podiums brings the gardens into the building’s interior and roof. The forty-five degree angle layout inspires rich boundary spaces around the site. The double herringbone design of the twin wards brings greater operational efficiency to the hospital, the white walls and grey window cornices were inspired and designed to blend with Suzhou’s heritage. While avoiding over-decorative design, this efficient, modular and flexible modern garden hospital also pays homage to Suzhou, a garden destination in the south of the Yangtze River. 

In an age of speed and noise, this station of life in Suzhou will be quiet enough to listen to the heartbeat of everyone here.

Suzhou Garden meets ‘Healing Garden’

Suzhou gardens are not only enclosures, but also continuous spatial chains produced by juxtaposition and superposition in horizontal and vertical directions. This spatial chain projects subconscious spatial properties, bringing barrier and order, recognition and return, nature and artificiality, ritual and security. 

Healing Garden refers far from the greenery planting around the building, but to a special healing scenario realized through the act of building that brings together the elements of minerals, plants and space. Leading these scenes in a continuous chain of spaces for our use. 

In this era of territorial sharing, everyone takes this opportunity to read the ‘déjà vu’ of their own inner territories.

Standardization to create elegance in Jiangnan water town

The plain Jiangnan water town seems to have a super power of slowing down and quieting down time and space. This is exactly the feeling we want to get in this healing scene. The combination of white blocks and gray lines aims to move away from modernity and fashion and return to the quietness and elegance of the place, in order to obtain a longer life quality. 

This vast complex was built entirely in standard modular design. This allows the hospital to be a living organism that can grow and reproduce continuously. The internal functions can also be easily replaced according to operational needs. 

Annulus and efficiency

Compared to a straight line, a loop makes it possible to start from any starting point and return to the starting point without repetition. This feature allows patients to significantly reduce the number of paths they must take. The annulus design saves half of the walking distance and time compared to a linear route. The ability to connect in both directions due to the geometry of the loop also allows a closer connection between departments. 

The circular shape of the atrium brings much more light and ventilation to the building. The wind-pulling effect of the inner atrium is particularly beneficial for energy saving in the hot and humid southern China.

Registrations open… Don’t miss the opportunity to win with your visionary projects.