Global Future Design Awards 2019
First Award
Category: Residential Housing (Concept)
Firm: Bharadwaj Bharadwaj & Associates
Architect: Ajaya Bharadwaj
Team: Daksh Bharadwa
Country: India
Another great opportunity. APR’s next award Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2019 is open for Registration. Don’t miss the chance, its a huge platform for architects.
HIGH RISE HOUSING: Multistorey housing has been built in Europe and other cold countries for two centuries. In Asia and other such hot countries considering climate, its culture, way of life, the habitat alongwith outdoor living has been the existing pattern. With Industrialization rapid migration from rural areas to Urban areas has required a change in the habitat and environment. Housing built on the pattern adopted in Europe has failed since people are not prepared to accept boxed in living.
Evolution of a New Architecture for Multistorey Habitat is required which is closer to housing which people have been accustomed to live in. There is a need for enclosed spaces in habitat to escape heat but also provide outdoor living alongwith it and on the outdoors.
In consideration with the concept of Green Building New Technologies and relevant factors a High Rise Housing Towers have been designed for construction in Delhi which are submitted in this Competition.
CONCEPT: The concept is having a vertical core in an atrium with lifts and staircases which has four wings each having an Apartment. Thus all of these face different directions thereby providing complete privacy to all. Minimum circulation space is provided to access to all Apartments.
Each Apartment apart from its functional requirements has attached outdoor living areas as an extension by way of large balconies with green turf to living and Master bedroom. A Community Club is provided in the middle of the High rise for get-together, lounges, games also having outdoor terrace/verandah. Fire refuge areas are provided after every 5th floor attached to atrium which also functions as landscaped outdoor space for residents.
Pent houses are provided which have large outdoor attached areas provided on top of all wings.
Covered car parking is provided in stilts and basement for all apartments.
GREEN BUILDING CONCEPT: Provision of High day-light factor by windows, cross ventilation giving free flow of air to cool rooms in evening, use of environment Sustainable material for construction, reuse of recycled waste water for irrigation and toilets, generation of Power by provision of Solar canopy on Roof top etc and Rain water harvesting etc make it a green building.
CONSTRUCTION: A structural system adopted is with highly repetitive structural elements which also speeds up construction time and minimizes cost of shuttering. Walls with hollow block reduce weight on structure yet providing sound and thermal insulation
SERVICES: Most modern innovative Services systems and equipment provided for fire detection & fighting, CO2 monitoring system Pneumatic communication etc. and all functions of the apartments.
LANDSCAPE: Entire environment is heavily landscaped with provision of swimming pools, tennis courts, children’s play areas, walkways and park which provides a beautiful outdoor setting.